May The Maulud Celebrations Begin!

Poem from our sister

Oh sweet streets of Medina
Oh deep soil of Yathrib
Lead us to the resting place of our beloved
Habibunna, Nabi Muhammed ﷺ
Our limbs are weak
Our hearts are broken
The blood is starting to leak
Our tears have fallen
Into sacred oceans
That only flow towards The Chosen ﷺ
Lead me to the one, that I have come to see
I want to drown in his presence
Be brought back to life
With the Light, from his essence –
Ya Medina
Be for me a healer
Wash away the dark
Parts of this broken heart
With light shards
From Sahib ul Mi’raj ﷺ
Leaving you, is the hardest part
We mourn when we depart
Wishing the day will stay at Asr
And never turn dark
You kept safe his secrets
Like an antique jewelry box
And have memories of him
That would make lovers
From mankind and jinn
Sell their possessions
Just to listen for one second
To stories, about the one who ascended
The seven heavens
And was not obliterated
In God’s presence ﷺ
Oh illuminated city,
Frequented by archangels
Who brought pieces of heaven to earth
Oh you who caressed, his final breath
Oh Ancient land
Please give my salaam
To my Master

~ Sukina Pilgrim

Jummah Mubarak

Alhamdulillah, may Allah accept our Jummah Prayer and Zikr and may Allah increase our love for Imam Tijani Cisse RTA. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

106. In the year forty-two

After thirteen hundred

107. I have named this poem “The Spirit of Good Morals”

For what it contains of the wisdom of good morals

108. Seeking to excuse myself among the intelligent ones

With the speech of a lamenting young man

109. And a child of twenty-one years

Are reasons for the approval of excuse

110. So benefit, by this poem, all of the believers

O our Lord! By the status of the best of the Messengers

111. And make it exclusively for Your blessed sake

O Lord! O Gentle One, Beneficent, Merciful!

112. Do not be prevented from memorizing this poem by

My being a young man from the land of non-Arabs