Jummah Mubarak

Ruhul Adab

  1. Making fun of others, backbiting and sitting with evil people

                                    Obscene behavior, slander and an evil ego

  • Likewise, the passions of the ego, so do not follow them

                                    And in worldly things show restraint without always following

  • Be one attached to the house and withdrawal from people

                                    Do not enjoy vain speech, no disputation

  • And lower your gaze from the defects of people

                                    And forget for them their wrongdoings

  • Give your wealth in charity for the sake of God

                                    Visit the graves of Muslims without any limitation

  • Don’t ever wear by God unless that you limit yourself

                                    To the Divine Will when you have sworn

  • This advice to the brethren has been completed

                                    By way of summary as is the way of the people of today