Imam Hassan’s Anniversary Part 2

Imam Hassan cisse RTA told Nazir (grandson of Shaykh Umar Futi RTA):
I don’t mind if I will not see a plane again and Nazir to ask: Why Shaykh, your work have been dominant the world so how would you avoid an airplane in order to be travelling from the West to Asia Eastern countries and Imam Hassan Cisse RTA to reply:

Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse RTA traveling to Paris in France and prophet Muhammad Rasulullahi (Sallahu Alayhi Wa sallam) came to him in broad daylight.
And the last time I traveled to Norway, Libya, Morroco, Ivory coast and France I was in my room when prophet Muhammad ( Sallahu Alayhi Wa sallam ) entered to see me in broad daylight. 
May Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) received him with great pleasure and may He be pleased with us on his account

Last Moments of Imam Hassan on this Physical Earth

This was the last Ziyara He made to the Rauda Of His Grandfather Maulana Baye Niass RTA after Fadjir prayers 12th August 2008 and this was the last time he went through the surrounding where His grandfather BAYE NIASS was buried. 

On that day Imam Hassan Cisse went into the surrounding and prayed for a long time standing whiles his hand on the thumb, we never knew He was saying BYE BYE to us all, after that He led Zuhur, Asr and Magrib but He couldn’t stay for Wazifa due to ill health.

IMAM HASSAN CISSE was announced dead on the13th August at 2am.

May Allah’s blessings keep on showering on him Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

  1. “I created this creation so that they should worship Me”

                                He means, by “worship Me,“ that they should know Me

  • Do not lower your ambition from attaining knowledge of God

                                You will then realize the astonishing proximity of the Most Merciful

  • He Manifests in everything, upon everything and by

                                Everything, before it and after it, for all eternity

  • If you seek to increase your belief

                                 Then repent sincerely and follow it by charity

  • Do not hate any Muslim and do not become angry

                                 Except to correct a manifest violation of the Sacred Law

  • Persevere in the performance of the night prayer, keep an empty stomach

                                 Eating what is purely lawful is also among these things

  • Sincerely advise the brethren and keep silence and accompany

                                People of chivalry among kinfolk