Imam Hassan Cisse Anniversary.

We have started a Haddiyya ring for Imam Hassan Cisse, 500,000 salatil fatihi from our Facebook Page, and thousands on other social media outlet.

May Allah give us the time and opportunity to come up with the total haddiyya for Imam. Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

  1. However, their secrets are attained through diligence

                               Not through laxity nor through trying to deceive its people

  • Nay! Only by adhering to what is given with complete loyalty

                               And by following their sayings fully and obediently

  • Do not prefer the vain speech of your peers

                               To sitting with him O annihilated one!

  • In that case you will have no chance at attaining the secrets

                               For the secrets are not found in what is spoken loudly

  • Instead, when you have accompanied him most of the time,

                                You will have attained from him what you seek

  • And you will have succeeded by way of infection, and that is

                                Well established among the men so take heed

  • Whoever does not attain experiential knowledge of the Most Merciful

                                All of his life has been wasted; despite its length of time