Eid Mubarak

Imam Tijani Cisse of Senegal on Eid day.

Ruhul Adab

  1. The intermediary of every gnostic and the origin

                                 Of all of them, their drinking well, and he is their sun

  • The best of all paths, by consensus

                                  Is also his path without dispute

  • It is impossible to combine it with another

                                   The one who says different will lose in the next abode

  • He lies and invents against God, the Exalted

                                    Verily I say that this litany is the greatest

  • Adhere to the remembrances of this litany

                                   You will then- I swear by my life- be guided

  • The Invocation of Humble Entreaty, Salât al-Fâtihî

                                    Likewise, Allâhumma ‘alayka al-Fâtih

  • Among other things which the men possess

                                    The men of this path with their permission