Anniversary of Shaykh Ibrahim’s passing, Part 2


Thereafter, Shaykh asked him (Kabir Faye) to move very close to him in a manner that he was just at face’ distance. He was asked to recite some specified awraads. This took him for a couple of hours until around 11 a.m.Then he was instructed to move yet closer in a manner that his master’s breathing which had become more laboured could fan his own face and his breathe was actually entering his nostrils.He was asked to caress his upper arm in a manner akin to a mother petting a child. He could hear clearly the recitals of his Master and his voice was audible enough to hear him reciting the verses in Surah Yunus chapter 10 verse 23 which went thus:“The example of [this] worldly life is but like rain which We have sent down from the sky that the plants of the earth absorb – [those] from which men and livestock eat – until, when the earth has taken on its adornment and is beautified and its people suppose that they have capability over it, there comes to it Our command by night or by day, and We make it as a harvest, as if it had not flourished yesterday. Thus do We explain in detail the signs for a people who give thought.”This was heard to this point when his Master stopped and indicated to him to reply to his raised affirmation thus:LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, to which he chorused with his Master:MUHAMMADU ROSULULLAH; LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, MUHAMMADU ROSULULLAH, LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH, MUHAMMADU ROSULULLAH! 

After this, he heard no further word emanating from his Master’s lips. His Master seemed to be asleep but the arm he was holding was getting colder. The realization of death dawned immediately on him.His Master was no longer breathing: he had quietly slipped out of this world and returned to the Mercy of His Lord. He immediately took a pen and paper and looked at the time on the clock. He then wrote as follows:”Praise is due unto Allah, Surely it is from Allah we come and unto Him shall we be returned. Our Master, the Harbinger of the Faydah (Sahibul Faydah), Shaykh Ibrahim Niass died in London on the 16th of Rajab 1395AH corresponding to the 26th of July, 1975 A.D at 12.03 p.m in St. Thomas Hospital in Simeon’s Ward. His room number is 2632. There was no one present with him at this critical period except his companion Muhammad Kabir Faye”.


Immediately, Kabir Faye went about the bathing process for his Master’s body. He wrapped him in the prescribed white cloth and applied his perfume. He tidied him up and not long thereafter, the doctor who was not expected came in.Kabir Faye was surprised as to his coming since he was not expected until Monday. He replied that the affection which had developed in his patient as well as feeling of restlessness which he had over-night made him anxious to want to see his loving patient.This was what prompted him to come. Kabir Faye then gave him the news of his passage out of this world barely an hour ago. The doctor did his own cross-examinations in order to satisfy himself of the status quo. After this, he informed him of the need to prepare necessary documentations to facilitate the return flight against Monday the 28th of July as has already been booked.To this end, he wanted to take the late patient’s pictures. Kabir Faye said he was not sure his master will like any picture of him to be taken in that state. This was because, when he was alive, he never loved taking pictures but since his lovers and followers were always doing so, he may have no option than to accede to the doctor’s request.He re-iterated however that had it been his Master was alive, he would have requested for his express permission. So, the doctor made an attempt at taking the pictures only to realize at the third attempt that the picture was showing blank; nothing showed.So he had to ask for Kabir Faye’s picture to be taken in place of his Master, in order to facilitate documentations.



All these while, no sign of either Uba Waru or Hassan Cisse were noticed. So he (Kabir Faye) sent word that Uba Waru should be summoned to the hospital. When he came around 2 o’clock, he explained that he had to attend a court session as a witness.Kabir Faye broke the news of the passing-away of their Master and asked Uba Waru to go and look for Hassan so that he too will be aware. This, Uba Waru did and Hassan came after some time.DEATH NOTIFICATION TO THE PUBLICFrom the three, messages were wired across the people all over Nigeria, Senegal and London. There was nothing left, except preparation for boarding arrangements on the British Airways flight already scheduled for Monday.This was how Shaykh Ibrahim was flown home by them. In Nigeria, at the time news of Shaykh’s death reached the people, Seyyid Aliu Cisse was in Yola, Nigeria. He was immediately informed and summoned by Shaykh Tijani to come to Lagos. 

In Lagos, Alhaji Ramalan, a close student of Shaykh along with a few of his colleagues arranged a chartered flight to convey them on the corpse of Shaykh from London in Dakar.From this point, other thousand of lovers all converged in Dakar on the solemn drive back to the city of Kaolack for immediate burial the sameday.At Madina Kaolack, amidst the teaming mass of people, the Qutb(Spiritual Pole/Axis) and Gawth(Succour) was laid to rest in his rawdah just a few metres from his mosque, a place which had become popular for the unprecedented number of visitors of numbering millions from all over the world and who thronged the place, in order to pay their respects to the Saahibul Faydah(Catalyst of the Spiritual Flood), who came and gave all to drink from his sea of love and generosity.From Allah we come from, and to Him we shall return (Innaa lillahi wa Innaa ilayhi Raaji’uun).

Authored by: Ambassador Usman Ahmad Tijani Ibrahim Niasse 

Translated & Compiled by: Sayyidah Bilqis Bolajoko Grillo