Shaykh Mahi in Paris and London

Sheikh ibrahima niass. Extract 1970.

He who believes in God without anything associate to Him, all of his sins can be absolved by God if He Desires.
The belief in God is the reason why God created beings. It is for this reason also that God has sent the prophets from Adam to the prophet Mouhamed Sallalahu alayhi wa Sallam.
The whole of these prophets, the object of their mission and what they were waiting for people, is not their attachment to social things.
Their only aspiration was faith in God. They are getting ready for people to have faith in their Lord and so that they also have a perfect connection with their Lord. Because anyone who doesn’t lie with his Lord, he’s living an unpleasant life.
May this person be a king, whether he is a chief, whether he is rich, whether she is a man or a woman, whether he is an adult or a teenager.
Any profession you will dream of, whether you are a driver or a shepherd or a peasant, if God does not lie in your heart then your life remains unpleasant. Wherever you find yourself, you are in trouble, you will grow in pain, you dwell in discontent and live in the darkness until the end of your days.
This is enough like an unpleasant life.

Ruhul Adab

  1. The soul has defects, the heart has defects

                              And the spirit has defects; In this there is no doubt

  • Then good morals! Good morals, O traveler!

                               Verily it is the door for every traveler

  • And be submissive, a man full of humility,

                               For you will not, by humility, be abased

  • Because ‘ilm (knowledge), ghinâ’ (wealth) and khisb (fertility) have all come

                               Having lowered vowels firmly established in them

  • While jahl (ignorance), faqr (poverty) and sterility (jadb) have all come

                               Having raised vowels firmly established in them

  • Here you have, if you would ponder an indication

                               That is clear, so recognize what you have been inspired with

  • Flood waters do not rest upon the tops of mountains

                               Nor on the tops of trees when there is a deluge