Shaykh Mahi Cisse in France

Sayyid Ali Cisse quote:

Sayyidi Aliyu Cisse may Allah be pleased with him said; “I have never thought for ones of becoming a SHEIKH unless only a MUREED (seeker)” then he said, “had MUREEDS known what the status of a TRUE MUREED was (which is a very high spiritual station), they would’ve stop seeking to be SHEIKHS and rather seek to be TRUE MUREEDS, because the status of a TRUE MUREED is much higher than that of a SHEIKH”.
May Allah grant us the patience to seek for the status of a TRUE MUREED … Ameen.

Ruhul Adab

  1. Because you would not be pleased with one who harms your servant

                             Even if he had done wrong, so fear your Lord

  • And perpetuate in sadness and the remembrance of death,

                             Do not forget it; likewise, the questioning of the dead

  • It is imperative that you first and foremost seek knowledge,

                             So that you may judge by the law of God

  • And knowledge; I swear by my life it is the leader of all action

                              Just as has come down from TâHâ, the Best of the Messengers

  • Seek four types of knowledge, O traveler on the Path!

                              The first of them is knowledge of the Majestic Lord

  • The second is that you should know what relates to

                              Acts of worship, of that be certain!

  • The third is the knowledge of the state of the soul

                               Its treachery, its plots and intrigues