May Allah give us Allah


“Every individual who has passed through this stage of spiritual intoxication (jadhbu) has had the same experience. All of them have stood at the feet of the Real and made the same conclusion, even if Allah’s

manifestations inevitably differ from person to person. All have become intoxicated with the same One, Living Allah.

Allah may manifest in a tree, but the next moment this manisfestation will move to another tree, or something else. The manifestations of Allah are constantly evolving and never at a standstill. Certainly, differences between brothers or sisters in the same family must appear, even though they are from the same parents and have the same blood. Allah says in the Qur’an,”You see the mountains you deem to be solid, but they are moving like clouds.” (27:88)

At this point, those with knowledge of Allah will be aware that the body that left its home to come to this conference has passed away, and is not the same that will return to its home later tonight. These people that I mentioned have already arrived in the Presence of Allah and achieved illumination. But those that have not awakened from their state of ignorance will not understand my words. They are only aware of the material aspects of things and have yet to see The Truth, The One, The First, The Last.

We are all the servants of Allah and all of us are in need of Him. His Being/Person/Essence (Dhat) is enough for us. Anything other than Him will pass out of existence while we die needing more. First, I prayed for Allah to give us abundant wealth, but I later realized that it does not last. Then I asked for mercy but realized it also does not last. I concluded that if a person would remain free of wants and needs, he should ask only for the Dhat, for Allah Himself!”

“May Allah give us Allah! Anything that He gives us other than Himself will come to pass, and as HIs vicegerent (Khalifa), we are bound to always be in need of Him. May Allah give us Allah. The Prophet Musa (as) prayed, ‘Allah, provide me with my sustenance, for that is what I expect from You.’ Moses was still young at this point because once he became mature he asked Allah for His Being, saying: ‘Rabbi Arini Unzur Ilayka’ (O my Lord! Show Yourself to me that I may look at You!)”

“Whatever an individual asks of his Lord may indeed be a necessity at the moment of asking, but Allah’s providing it does not prevent one from needing it again. The ONLY THING that can truly satisfy the servant of Allah is the possession of Allah Himself. May Allah grant us His Person. May Allah give us Himself. Indeed Allah has promised this to those of us who request it.”

~Shaykh al-Hajj Ibrahim b. al-Hajj Abdullahi Niasse (RA) in ‘Pearls From The Divine Flood: Selected Discourses From Shaykh al-Islam Ibrahim Niasse”

Shaykh Mahi Cisse’s journey is Spain.

Ruhul Adab

  1. If you are afflicted with difficulty and disaster

                         Be patient. Relief and happiness will follow

  • For every night is followed by day

                         And every difficulty is followed by ease

  • Nay! After every difficulty is double the ease

                         As has come down from Ahmad, the Adnânî

  • When you have understood that, you will be satisfied

                         With the Divine Decree at all times thereafter

  • If you seek some objective which you are then deprived of,

                          Its harm He knows, while you perceive not

  • He wards off what will harm (you) as a mercy from Him,

                          Do not question our God or you will be deprived

  • Were the human-being to really know what the Most Merciful is,

                          He would meet adversity as smiling man