Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Spain

Ruhul Adab

  1. If you are afflicted with difficulty and disaster

                         Be patient. Relief and happiness will follow

  • For ever night is followed by day

                          And every difficulty is followed by ease             

  • Nay! After every difficulty is double the ease

                          As has come down from Ahmad, the Adnânî

  • When you have understood that, you will be satisfied

                           Will the Divine Decree at all times thereafter

  • If you seek some objective which you are then deprived of,

                           Its harm He knows, while you perceive not 

  • He wards off what will harm (you) as a mercy from Him,

                           Do not question our God or you will be deprived

  • Were the human-being to really know what the Most Merciful is,

                           He would meet adversity as smiling man