words of Wisdom

“You should know that people were only veiled from Allah (Exalted is He) by their satisfaction with other than Him. If it were not for that, they would all see Him directly with their eyes.”
– Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him)

Shaykh Ibrahim Niass is the only Tijani Shaykh to ever publish a Tafsir of Quran in its entirety. He completed the entire Tafsir of Quran between 10 and 12 times throughout his life, in public. Most of the times he would engage in the Tafsir, it would be in the Wolof language, but 2 or 3 times he did the entire Tafsir in the Arabic language for the benefit of his non-wolof speaking Murids (Students). The very last time he did the entire Tafsir in public, was in the year 1963 and it was recorded on cassette tape. One of his senior students from Mauritania named Shaykh Muhammad Wuld’ Abdallah al-Jayjuba was present for all of his Tafsir readings and took the great task of transcribing the final recorded Tafsir into book form. It took him over 30 years to edit and check all of the Hadith and sources that Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim Niass used in the Tafsir. The total number of Hadith that Shaykh Ibrahim mentioned in the Quran are over 6000.