29th Day of Ramadan

Shaykh Mahi Cisse with some Murids in Colorado in 2018

Ruhul Adab of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse

  1. And do not disobey him, even if the error of his opinion

                     Becomes clear, instead always be a follower

  • For the mistake of the Shaykh is more upright and more

                     Certain than the adept, according to those who reason

  • And do not incline to anyone else in the world,

                     Be (with him) as if the world did not exist

  • And there is nothing for the adept except this Saint

                    Along with the Messenger, then his Exalted Lord

  • As long as other than them remain in his heart, he will not attain

                                  Knowledge of the Lord, I say with all certainty

  • Be with the Shaykh always and you will prosper

                    And be mutually loving and you will succeed

  • In proportion to your love for him, you will attain

                     His spiritual assistance, as was expressed by the People of the Path