27th Day of Ramadan

Translation of sarimane waslal ghawani (Panagéryque of the prophet by Sheikh Al Islam ibrahima niass more known as baye niass)

1. Divert you (from the attendance) of women, take asylum to the songs of aghani, aspire to the pure benefits and the cloîtrement of the homes
2. (turn away) to the amusements and profane songs from the trivia
3. All this is only mirage, aspire to the best of the benefits | in this case | to
4. The essence of the ha-or (symbol of the five), the quintessence of the truth reading the seven repeated (SAB ‘ houl maçani)
5. through the qualities of divine essence gifted with an elevation without equal
6. It is the elected (Al Mukhtar) of creation before the creation of beings
7. Taha’s prophetic presence (Hadrat) appeared before the creation of the places places.
8. Animated of a long life before the decree of time
9. of course, I was there before the creation of beings, all my concern | remains in | the love of that being taha
10. He is my eating and my drink, my faith and my affection
11. My treasure, my confidant, my security and my security
12. Yes, he is my companion and my path, my donations of generosity and my contentment
13. Yes, he is the four cardinal points of my home, my palaces, he is the pampered blessing
14. I have no other if it’s not follow (Al Muqaffa) and that’s why it’s perfect my love in him
15. You will never see the memory of another one from my heart or my language | and if you think you hear this | It’s only fun or madness
16. My praises for another that he (the prophet) would only be illusions of the jinn who are far from reaching me
17. I would be all my long life a man recognized of honest and trustworthy
18. by my help brought to the muffada (the prophet), he is my essence and my soul
19. My heart doesn’t stop loving it in a perpetual renewal
20. This beloved healed me and fortified me with everything that was launched to me
21. He is truly the worthy servant, | Him | the symbol of the ha of divine rapprochement
22. He is my beloved, my help in the proximity as in the distance
23. He is my dote and my antidote | against the enemies |, he who pleaded and healed me
24. What was wonderful the moment when he me me and this rapprochement alone would have been enough
25. The fire of my love | in him | increases as the time of a relentless love
26. My passion and my soul have faded and are a pride and heavenly access
27. Nothing I have left (everything was intended for Ahmad) coming from desire and confidence
28. of affections, crying | until his extinction in him train that | you see me for a moment and another you don’t see me
29. O you who criticize me | of this excessive love |, try to inherit my spiritual situation (Hal), I was amazed by all this wonder
30. Friends of friends betrayed me for simple cause of this love granted to the prophet and pushed me back
40. and brothers that i wish they could reach this approaching then they denigrated me
41. They left me, me me, insulted me and again they put me in quarantine
42. On this day, I have no beloved (s) if it is not those from you (the prophet)
43. Such a hated me and pushed me back all the time
44. They vilified me obviously and took me out of the paternal concession
45. Without Fault (that I have committed) if it is not love granted to Taha (to the prophet)
46. You won’t see over the time I’m going back to them to do my mea-culpa
47. If they had torn mn body by sharp arrows (from India), they would not have what they wanted and this was already decreed and that is enough for me
48. Drunk me, o my neighbors by praise of the one who recited the seven repeated (the fatiha) | in the case of the Prophet |
49. Repeat then repeat the memory of the one who purified me
50. Alone is enough for love in taha and I will care about the one who hated me
51. I fear neither the ruse of the enemies nor the deception of time
52. Because my home (spiritual) is my space (spiritual) and vice versa
53. Peace and salvation as many times the multiplicity of days
54. From The Essences of the truth continually to taha that alone is enough for me (as model)
55. Then to his family and his companions as long as he is janazah the entitled: sarimane waçalal ghawani

Ruhul Adab, part 2

  1. Honoring all of its people

                  Especially its elite, whom you should obey

  • When you prepare to perform the litany

                  Observe its décor um as much as possible

  • Observing discipline outwardly and inwardly,

                   By that a man is raised to lofty places

  • And envision your Shaykh who trains you

                   As well as his Shaykh without doubt

  • Observe presence of heart and tranquility

                   Likewise, seclusion will assist one quickly

  • Seek an experienced teacher, with sound advice

                   Perfect in knowledge of Allah, a pious Imam

  • Submit yourself to him and do not try to direct yourself,

                    Be like the dead body always and you will be informed