Shaykh Mahi Cisse in France

Sayyid Ali Cisse quote: Sayyidi Aliyu Cisse may Allah be pleased with him said; “I have never thought for ones of becoming a SHEIKH unless only a MUREED (seeker)” then he said, “had MUREEDS known what the status of a TRUE MUREED was (which is a very high spiritual station), they would’ve stop seeking to […]

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Piété selon Cheikh Ahmad Tijani

Il ne cessait d’exhorter aux bons rapports avec les parents… et disait : celui qui ne fait pas preuve de sollicitude à leur égard , son comportement dans cette Voie ne sera pas aisé , et tout ingratitude vis-à-vis d’eux , suite à l’adoption de la Voie , rompra tout contact avec la « tarîqa […]

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May Allah give us Allah

“MAY ALLAH GIVE US ALLAH!” BY MAWLANA SHAYKH IBRAHIM NIASSE (Radhi Allahu Anhu) “Every individual who has passed through this stage of spiritual intoxication (jadhbu) has had the same experience. All of them have stood at the feet of the Real and made the same conclusion, even if Allah’s manifestations inevitably differ from person to person. […]

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Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Spain

Ruhul Adab If you are afflicted with difficulty and disaster                          Be patient. Relief and happiness will follow For ever night is followed by day                           And every difficulty is followed by ease              Nay! After every difficulty is double the ease                           As has come down from Ahmad, the Adnânî When you have understood that, […]

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words of Wisdom

“You should know that people were only veiled from Allah (Exalted is He) by their satisfaction with other than Him. If it were not for that, they would all see Him directly with their eyes.”– Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (may Allah be pleased with him) Shaykh Ibrahim Niass is the only Tijani Shaykh to ever publish […]

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Ruhul Adab

Spend what you have inherited and earned with seeking                      His pleasure, and respond to his signals and you will hit the mark Satisfy your Shaykh, even if he should make you cry,                      Because verily he has guided you to good And covet your time with utmost covetousness,                       Be warned that you will […]

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29th Day of Ramadan

Shaykh Mahi Cisse with some Murids in Colorado in 2018 Ruhul Adab of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse And do not disobey him, even if the error of his opinion                      Becomes clear, instead always be a follower For the mistake of the Shaykh is more upright and more                      Certain than the adept, according to those […]

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28th Day of Ramadan

Shaykh Mahi back to teaching in Madina, Senegal The Removal of Confusion Allah the Exalted has 3000 Names. He made 1000 of them known to none but the angels, and he made 1000 of them known to none but the Prophets. 300 are in the Torah, 300 are in the Gospel, 300 are in the […]

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27th Day of Ramadan

Translation of sarimane waslal ghawani (Panagéryque of the prophet by Sheikh Al Islam ibrahima niass more known as baye niass) 1. Divert you (from the attendance) of women, take asylum to the songs of aghani, aspire to the pure benefits and the cloîtrement of the homes2. (turn away) to the amusements and profane songs from […]

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