21st Day of Ramadan

Secret of marriage

I have received your question Shaykh Umar Faye al-Tijani concerning the
‘Sirr al-Nikah’ (Secret of Marriage), which Allah has commanded in His saying:

So marry women of your choice.” (4:3)

I am thus giving a reply (by beginning with):

Allah was, and there was nothing with Him. He was described with the entirety of His Attributes and perfect in His Divinity & Godhead, and He (Glorious & Exalted isHe!) loved, but there was no one to love and no one to love Him (in
return), besides Himself.

So from Himself, to Himself, He poured out an effusion of His Secret, which manifested as the Master of Existence
(Sayyid al-Wujud), the Succor of Existence (Madad al-Wujud), the Light
of Existence (Nur al-Wujud), and the Being, or Existence of Existence
(Wujud al-Wujud), who thus became the object of His Love.

From this effusion of Light from Himself came the entirety of creation, and thus
by the increase of creation, the stations (Maqamat) had mutual relationship which was witnessed.

The Beauty of Allah (Exalted is He!), when witnessed by the Complete/Perfect Man (Muhammad alaihi salat wa Salaam ), was greatly desired for union and a connection with the Beloved, and this is what is alluded to by marriage. With
this understanding, the most Complete & Perfect Man (prayers and peace be upon him) said:

‘Three things of your dunya have been made beloved to me: women, perfume, and the coolness of my eye is found in the Salat.’

By this (manifestation of) Beauty, the father of humanity (Adam) longed for Hawwa (Eve), they consumated the union and she became pregnant. Thus, he passed the sign (Ayat) of marriage and procreation (proliferation of the human

I have made a subtle allusion to the secret of marriage in these poetic verses:

“I will not disclose my love to a second, as I have taken a firm covenant”

Because of this secret, you do not see anything in creation which does
not engage in marriage (or union). This is how reproduction & procreation is established among the animals and the other (forms of life), down to this letter…
which is produced by the ‘marriage’ of
pen & paper; knowledge and understanding is produced by the ‘marriage’ of speaking and listening. This is why you will not see a complete &
perfect person who doesn’t long for marriage & union to be safe from
the slavery of following lustful desires.

This is a very subtle secret.

{Written by Sayyidi Ali Cisse from the dictation of our Shaykh and our
‘Means of Approach’ to our Lord, Mawlana Shaykh Ibrahim b. Al-Hajj
Abdullahi al-Tijani, as taught by the Secret of the Muhammadan Reality
on the second day of Safar 1352 in Medina Kossi, Senegal}

Imam Tijani Cisse in Madina Baye Ramadan 2019.

Shaykh Mahi Cisse in Morocco, Ramadan 2019